We played a game with the kids (and still do when we get together) called "I Remember". Here's how to play - one person thinks of something we all did together and gives an obscure clue - 'I remember a dusty road'. Each of us starts drawing in our minds all the times we might have been on a dusty road together. That's lots of times! If no one guesses correctly, another clue - 'I remember going fast', 'I remember scary', 'I remember mountains', 'I remember laughing', 'I remember being on top'. And for sure, by that time, someone would have honed in on the memory of that time on vacation in the Canadian Rockies when the kids laid on top of our rented mini van and held on tight while Bob drove down a windy dirt road. Yes, we really did that! And yes, we laughed our heads off! These are the things that let us re-live the wonderful times we've had together.
And the Salansky family will surely have lots of those times to remember and enjoy for many years to come! I love being part of the memories that families create when they visit our beautiful islands.
Morning photos at Anaeho'omalu Bay in the Waikoloa Resort.